Orgazum911 is a booking service and adult content information website. As a booking service you the “client” acknowledges that this website contains adult material not suitable for persons under the age of 18 years of age. By using our website you agree that you are doing so voluntarily and of your own free will. And acknowledge that this website contains third party content, content which Orgazum911 does not monitor or have control over. Content provided by third parties is managed and uploaded by a webmaster. The webmaster “only” publishes content deemed relevant to web “niches” displayed on this website.

Web niche in this case is deemed “adult” and by adult it is meant that no content or published materials is intended or provided by minors( persons under the age of 18 years old).

All models depicted on our website are independent escort models and do not pay to be published on our website. Any payment made to Orgazum911 is made by the client and not escorts featured on our website. By Independent it is meant that the escort(s) listed on this website work as independent escort models, voluntarily and are not victims of sex trafficking, violence or coercion.

By using this website you agree that all escorts depicted or published on this website are independent, Orgazum911 does not know any of the escorts listed personally, nor does Orgazum911 have in person contact with any of them. As a booking service Orgazum911 only handles the phone process and does not assist in housing , transportation, hosting or security.

Orgazum911 has been contracted by the escorts we feature to publish photos, video and descriptions submitted by all models listed. By contracted it is meant that escort models published on Orgazum911, have requested to be listed on our website. And that any and all fees incurred are the responsibility of the client and not escort(s).

Orgazum911 is a web portal that contains adult content. This includes and is not limited to photos, videos and adult language.

Terms of use

The terms of use when viewing or using “this” website. Is that “you” the client / consumer agrees that Orgazum911 is not an escort agency. That “you” the client / consumer agrees that you are 18 years of age or older. That “you” the client / consumer agrees that Orgazum911 assumes no responsibility of anything that may or may not occur from using this website. That “you” the client / consumer is not engaged or affiliated with any forms of sex trafficking, will not use violence, manipulation or coercion to exploit any escort models published on this website. That “you” the client / consumer agrees to booking service fees and that any commissions paid is the sole responsibility of the client / consumer. That “you” the client / consumer acknowledges that all escorts published on our website are ” independent escorts”, and choose to not have their personal contact information published or shared by Orgazum911. When using this website Orgazum911 reserves the right to block, ban or report anyone who violates our terms of use. Deposits and payments are non-refundable and if you over pay, are requested to pay in person by an escort listed on this website, that is between the client and escort model.